Must have: Deep Link

Hi Rowan and Stack team…

  1. We ABSOLUTELY need some kind of a deep link to open the mobile apps.

  2. What if… I have 10000 app installs. Nice, right. But what happens when I send them an email about some sales promotion… the link will open the website, defeating the whole purpose of the app!

  3. So instead, shouldn’t the deep link at least open the app’s home page?

  4. Firebase has a free tier for this, kindly look into it.

I am surprised no other user has mentioned this.

You are totally right, we will work on that

To be sure from the use case, you are asking for links to a specific product, category, or View, this link will be used in Emails or Push Notifications



However, for people using only webview apps (like me), even a basic “app open” link would be great to begin with.