We need your help with what we are creating next, you are the main reason we are at this stage now but you’re the core of what we should do next.
We are working on something major, it’s important to all of us!
In the upcoming period, we are making it possible to edit all the pages of the applications, by adding any of the blocks to any page you choose.
For example, you can add a refer button in the login page, add images or a slider to your about us page, the same applies to all pages.
It has 1 downside, that the blocks you add should be above or below the current design of the page
We have created a basic wire-frame on how we expect it to be, the navigation between it.
We need your help with the following:
Do you need this update? or should we release an update when you can edit the whole design of the page?
Not all the pages will be editable at once, it will build up with time, which pages are the most urgent for your business that we should prioritize?
What do you think of the flow & Navigation between pages?
Help us out, without knowing your thoughts, meeting your expectations will take much longer!